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5 Tips for Maximizing SEO


If you have a website for your business, the importance of maximizing SEO is a very valuable tool to wield in today’s mobile economy. More and more people are using search engines on the go to seek out products, services and resources. So how do you ensure that your customers find you before they find your competition? One major way to get ahead of the fold is in maximizing SEO. Here are five simple tips for the budding marketer.

Why does SEO Matter?

Simply put, search engine optimization is best achieved when your website is easy to find, not only for users but for search engine robots. With a combination of relevant, carefully targeted content, you can make it easier for your site to be indexed and found when users put in a search query. This is but one part of a digital marketers’ toolkit!

5 Craft Beautiful URL’s to Maximize SEO

When you think of a URL, beauty doesn’t really come to mind immediately, but for Google there is a beauty that its attracted to. Avoid capital letters, always use hyphens (Google_doesn’t_recognize_underscores), and use real language. Using capital letters is like encrypting your page, making it exponentially more difficult for Google to find it.

4 SEO Practices Change; Read and Educate

Like any other aspect of marketing or business, the practices and algorithms of SEO change over time. Stay up on all the latest trends by reading informative blogs (ahemmm) and even by getting professional consultation by certified Google partners to maximize traffic to your site.

3 Use Keywords in your URL

This is huge! Score big on SEO when you include your keyword in your URL. For example, let’s assume you are selling red leather boots. Make sure your URL is configured to include the extension red-leather-boots to help Google and other search engines easily find you.

2 Targeted Keywords

We’re not just talking about the keywords in your URL that are important to include, but remember to be as specific as possible to make it simple for people to find what they’re looking for. Use the Google AdWords Keyword planner to discover how to best select your targeted keywords.

1 Fresh, Beautiful, Shareable Content

Always be sure to have well-written, unique content that focuses on your primary keyword or keyword phrase to increase the quality of that page. While that’s almost always easier said than done, putting in the extra time and effort to curate and create new content with competitive keywords will increase the chances of customers finding you when they search for your products or services. Blog at least 2-3 times a week to feed the web’s crawlers, and be sure to share across social media channels to increase your reach.

For more information about digital marketing and the tools to succeed visit our page and don’t be shy to give us a shout if you have any questions.

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