

Catstacam is exactly what it sounds like: an online platform for felines to post their selfies and visuals of their experience as part of a project to better understand the lives of cats. Developed by Whiskas Australia,  the goal of the project is for educational...
The Semantic Listening Table

The Semantic Listening Table

Meet the Semantic Listening Table, a table that looks just like any other but as its name suggests: it listens to you. It’s a concept in development by the New York Times R&D, a manufacturer of ideas. During a teleconference, the table is able to record...
Did Periscope Kill Meerkat?

Did Periscope Kill Meerkat?

It’s been a couple of weeks since Meerkat blazed a trail for itself at the SXSW Festival; becoming one of the hottest new app trends since Foursquare. But despite a lavish $14 Mil in funding coming from lovestruck Silicon Valley names just last week, Meerkat is...
The Ultimate Brew: Part Three

The Ultimate Brew: Part Three

Welcome to part three of our roasting and brewing saga; the Powered Labs’ quest for the ultimate brew. Witness the transformation of earthly beans to a tantalizing elixir—the dark. We Like the Strong Stuff Most of you might have heard of a little company that roasts...