Wikipedia Suing the NSA

Wikipedia Suing the NSA

Wikimedia launched a full fledged lawsuit against the NSA for its massive dragnet surveillance programs over its users, stating that the organization tapped into Internet traffic for intelligence purposes. That’s right. Wikipedia suing the NSA is in effect. The...
3D Animation Toolkit

3D Animation Toolkit

Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Cloud is a software service that gives users access to a collection of software developed by Adobe for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography and cloud services. You can pay a monthly or annual fee to use the...
CIA and iPhones

CIA and iPhones

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been actively trying to hack into consumers’ iPhones and tablet computers by breaking into the security that protect them for nearly a decade. But did the CIA successfully break into the network? We’re not sure...
Apple Watch Event: Highlights

Apple Watch Event: Highlights

The Apple watch event took place today at 1pm Eastern time and we at Powered Labs didn’t miss a beat. With pizza in hand, comfy chairs and a big screen tv we all sat down for the unveiling on new Apple technology. Throughout the event there were a lot of...
Steve Jobs, Designer

Steve Jobs, Designer

Apple’s design aesthetic was defined by one individual with an intense passion for simplicity. Steve Jobs’ innovation and technological design have come together to create the Apple brand – one of the world’s most advanced and powerful...