Rand Paul Hearts Edward Snowden

Rand Paul Hearts Edward Snowden

Ok, maybe saying he hearts him is a little strong, but Rand Paul and Edward Snowden have something in common. They both feel that the NSA’s surveillance programs are overreaching and damaging to the private lives of the American people. “I believe we can...
Lumo Projector

Lumo Projector

So, I don’t even have kids but I’m super excited about this toy! Growing up my mom was very strict about not letting us have a gaming system in the home because she wanted us to stay active and not be hooked to a screen all day. It wasn’t until the...
Section 215: What you need to know

Section 215: What you need to know

What is Section 215, and what does it have to do with you? Absolutely everything. Section 215 of the Patriot Act directly effects your privacy, and allows the government to intercept the contents of any message or phone call you create. The Act is up for reform on...


Catstacam is exactly what it sounds like: an online platform for felines to post their selfies and visuals of their experience as part of a project to better understand the lives of cats. Developed by Whiskas Australia,  the goal of the project is for educational...
The Chromebit

The Chromebit

Google just changed the game again, this time introducing the Chromebit. It’s a dongle that connects to any television via USB and turns it into a computer. That’s right, the Chromebit has its own operating system. That means all that is required is a...