Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us, please browse our FAQ.
How much does it cost to do a mobile app/web site/etc ?
Good question! This is about the #1 question we get asked and the answer is always the same… It depends! Since each project we work on is completely custom and different than the project before, we really have to sit down and talk about everything needed in your project before we can figure it out. We do have some general guidelines that we can talk about once you contact us.
What payment methods do you accept?
We take most major credit cards [Visa | MasterCard | Discover | American Express], Checks [The NON Bouncy type], Cash [100’s only please], Lires – Just kidding, but seriously you can not begin to imagine how large our monthly coffee bill is, so prompt payments are a must!
I have the BEST idea for a project ever, if I tell you the idea will you make my project for free and get paid from all the money my awesome idea makes?
Do you offer a maintenance contract for our project?
Absolutely, we have some customers choose to have us run their entire online presence and e-commerce site. How much we are involved in helping you run your project is completely up to you.
What if I have more questions?
Don’t be shy! Send us an email and we will get right back to you, but seriously we have about 30 contact forms all over our site..

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